KYC Toolbox Application Notes for KYC Compliance Forms
If an Onboarding Chatbot has been performed, forms can be generated automatically.
At the moment the VQF forms are deposited. If you would like to have different compliance forms digitised, please contact
Procedure to Generate Forms for a Natural Entity
- The following steps must be executed so that the forms can be generated:
- Register customer (New Customer), either manually or automatically via API
- If entered manually, perform a check (Check Risk) (API will do check automatically)
- If risks are found, they must be verified (see Verify Risks)
- Send invitation for the onboarding chatbot to the customer (see also Onboarding Chatbot)
- The customer must perform and complete the chat dialogue
- The Upload Service can be used to send the customer a request to upload a copy of an ID card or the toolbox user can upload customer files
to upload the required documents himself. One of the two options must be carried out. Note; should the natural entity act on behalf of a legal entity, please follow the instruction below "Generate Forms for a legal Entity". The conversation partner must always be the natural entity.
- Check the KYC file in the "KYC Files" tab and approve or reject the contractual relationship (Assess KYC File)
- Click on "Generate Forms" to create the forms and save them in the Toolbox
- If the onboarding is carried out concerning money transactions, and the corresponding question is answered with an amount above CHF 3’000, a video identification is required to create the forms. If this is not the case for you, please contact us at
- If the question "Do you act on your own behalf or on behalf of another natural or legal person" will be answered with "None of the above options", the creation of the forms will not work.
- It may happen that the same client must perform an onboarding for himself (acting for a natural person) and on behalf of a company (acting for a legal person). For this, a second chatbot can be initiated for the same customer.
Procedure to Generate Forms for a Legal Entity
- The following steps must be followed so that the forms can be generated:
- Register conversation partner (natural entity acting for the company, contact person) as a customer, either manually or via API
- If entered manually, perform a check (Check Risk) (API makes check automatic)
- If risks are found, they must be verified (see Verify Risks)
- Send invitation to the onboarding chatbot to the conversation partner (see also Onboarding Chatbot)
- The customer must perform and complete the chat dialogue. Two KYC Files are created (legal entity as well as natural entities). The "KYC Files" tab shows the connection of these KYC files
- Perform KYC Check (Check Risk) for a legal entity as well as natural entities
- Via the upload service, the conversation partner (necessarily the natural person, not the legal entity) can upload the request to upload a copy of the conversation partner's ID card and the excerpt from the commercial register (Incorporation Certificate) or the articles of association of the company or the Toolbox user can upload
the required documents himself via upload customer files. One of the two options must be carried out.
- Check the KYC file in the "Contract" tab (User) and approve or reject the contractual relationship (Assess KYC File)
- Click on "Generate Forms" to create the forms and save them in the Toolbox.
- If the onboarding is carried out concerning money transactions, and the corresponding question is answered with an amount above CHF 3’000, a video identification is required to create the forms. If this is not the case for you, please contact us via
- If the question "Do you act on your own behalf or on behalf of another person or entity" will be answered with "None of the above options", the creation of the forms will not work.
- The generation of the forms for domiciliary companies is currently still under development and is not yet supported. If you have any questions, please contact our support team via
Costs of Generate Forms
The Generate Forms function does cost 8 coins for natural and legal entities.